Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A little wining

Ooof. I fail.

I had every good intention of posting Wednesday, also known as yesterday. After all, this is supposed to be a Monday and Wednesday update. I blame it on... no one but me.

After all, I could have gone to the gym after work, but I didn't know how difficult travel was going to be in the snow. And when I was called into work, I could have politely said "no, I bought cheap tires for my car and they're allergic to snow." While I was at work, where there was nothing for me to do, I could have posted instead of accepting the pizza offered as a consolation prize for driving in the snow. And when we left early (only two hours after I arrived at the office), I could have gone straight home.

But Sam (that's my soon-to-be wife) came and picked me up and we headed over to Brian and Jess's house for wine, food, and games. This update was buried along with the car in the snow.

The wine was excellent, starting with a nice port that they had picked up in California and moving to a Shiraz that they picked up somewhere. When wine is offered, I generally don't turn it down. I'm not a connoisseur by any means, but I know what I like. But I generally don't buy too many wines. Sam is very picky about what she likes, we have opposing work schedules, and I don't like to drink alone.

Which is why going to Tuscany was such a hoot. I have never been anywhere where so many good wines could be had and I always had someone around to share. Two places to go on any trip to Italy: (1) the local grocery store and (2) almost any wine shop that's hidden away from everything. The table wines are fabulous and inexpensive, the superb wines are reasonably priced. And the variety is incredible.

Given a choice, go see the little guy. If he likes you, he'll do shots with you. And try to grope the women you're traveling with.

I'm off. I need to think about the guest list for this little adventure. I also need to start relearning the Italian I forgot.

Why? Because it sounds good to me.

- A.M.