Monday, January 28, 2008

Even more family

Christmas has come and gone, and I am prepping for a number of changes. Not children, no puppies, certainly a job change or two (and I still have resumes to get out), but that's not what I'm talking about.

Last summer, when I got married, my cousin Jimmy in Cincinnati got married on the same day. My aunt and uncle split their familial duties that day, with my uncle Jimmy coming to my wedding and my aunt Rosemary going to cousin Jimmy's (yes, we refer to each other by that moniker. I'm cousin Andy, he's cousing Jimmy, that's cousin Mindy, etc.). This fall, Uncle Joe in Cincinnati passed away, and Uncle Skip and Cousin Skippy drove out for the funeral.

Why Cincinnati? That's my grandfather's (may he rest in peace) hometown. His two brothers, Joe and Ralph, lived there their whole lives, and that side of the family grew up around them. Grandpa was in the Navy and lived all over the world. We've never really known about that part of our family. It's always been about the Nassa side.

Until now. All (and I mean ALL) of the cousins from Cincinnati are supposed to be coming to Uncle Skip's birthday party on the 4th of July this year (2008) to meet their cousins from Rhode Island. This should be quite the bash.

Sam's going to kill me if she hears one more person ask "Are you my cousin?"